
Arc connects companies with vetted remote developers, designers, and marketers for quick hiring.
July 24, 2024
Web App, Other
Arc Website

About Arc

Arc revolutionizes remote hiring by connecting companies with a vetted pool of freelance and full-time developers, designers, and marketers. The platform's innovative approach ensures candidates are interview-ready, providing companies with quick, reliable access to expertise across various sectors, transforming the hiring experience effortlessly.

Arc offers flexible pricing plans that cater to diverse hiring needs. Users can choose options based on freelance or full-time talent, with no costs incurred until hiring. Enhanced packages provide premium support and quicker access to top talent, ensuring businesses make informed hiring decisions.

The user interface of Arc is designed for seamless navigation, allowing users to browse, connect, and hire talent effortlessly. Its intuitive layout enhances the browsing experience, with filters and features that streamline the hiring process, making it easier for companies to find qualified remote professionals.

How Arc works

Users begin by sharing their hiring needs and preferences on Arc. The platform connects them with vetted candidates that match their criteria. Companies can quickly view profiles and arrange interviews, simplifying the decision-making process. Arc facilitates smooth interactions and covers payment logistics, ensuring a hassle-free experience for employers.

Key Features for Arc

Vetted Talent Marketplace

Arc features a unique vetted talent marketplace, connecting companies with top-tier freelance and full-time professionals. This approach guarantees that every candidate is interview-ready, saving valuable time for employers and ensuring they find the best fit for their remote positions quickly and efficiently.

Global Reach

Arc offers immense global reach, providing access to a diverse talent pool from 190 countries. This unique feature allows companies to leverage cost-efficient hiring, ensuring significant savings compared to traditional recruitment methods while enhancing team diversity with top-notch professionals from various backgrounds.

AI-Powered Candidate Matching

Arc features AI-powered candidate matching, which instantly connects companies with suitable talent based on their specified needs. This innovative technology simplifies the hiring process, ensuring employers efficiently find the right professionals tailored to their requirements, boosting productivity and overall satisfaction during recruitment.

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